Cyber Subin

Evolving Cultural Heritage through
Collaborative Choreography with AI

A 100 year journey of Thai choreography from cultural root to integration with computer


This project introduces an approach for translating traditional dance knowledge into interactive computational models extending beyond static dance performance recordings. Specifically, this research presents the concept of “Human-AI co-dancing,” which involves integrating human dancers with virtual dance partners powered by models derived from dance principles. To demonstrate this concept, the project focuses on the choreographic principles deconstructed from the knowledge of traditional Thai dance. The principles are analyzed and translated into computational procedures that dynamically manipulate the movements of a virtual character by altering animation keyframes and the motions of individual joints in real-time.

We developed an interactive system that enables dancers to improvise alongside the virtual agent. The system incorporates voice control functionality, allowing the dancer, choreographer, and even the audience to participate in altering the choreography of the virtual agents by adjusting parameters that represent traditional Thai dance elements. Human-AI rehearsals yielded intriguing artistic results, with hybrid movement aesthetics emerging from the synergy and friction between humans and machines. The resulting dance production, “Cyber Subin,” demonstrates the potential of combining intangible cultural heritage, intelligent technology, and posthuman choreography to expand artistic expression and preserve traditional wisdom in a contemporary context.

Cyber Subin = Cybernetics + Subin

Cybernetics = a field of study that focuses on the principles of communication, control, and feedback in various systems, including biological, technological, and social systems.

Subin = Dream (in Thai)